Darby was always a classic bondage gal. She could do incredible things. This set certainly shows that. Viking and Jim join up and spin some rope. Jim securely binds her ankle boots ankles on and then turns to her wrists and elbows. Her pale skin is protected from the biting rope with PVC Gloves. Stockings and a garter belt are the only other thing this sexy redhead gets to wear.
Viking steps in and gets Darby to fly. Her firm round butt is the first thing to go into the air - IMAGINE! Next she begins to turn into a teardrop and leaves the ground. WHEW!! She begins to feel the pressure. This is now for reals. So beautiful, so perilous! We let her gain her composure and lift a little more. There she goes - she's flying. Watch as she twirls in the air like the beautiful object she is - waiting to be admired by all.
Slowly she is lowered back to the ground, her chest supported so she doesn't smash her face. What a trip. That was simply gorgeous. Thank you so much for giving yourself to the arts Darby!!